Saturday, 10 September 2011

Thank you Friends of the Library for volunteering at the Parade of Programs

Victoria promoting Knowledge Connector's Open House on September 21 @ the library

Mr. Robert Reader our museum's curator signed up for a library card

Wordy the Octopus likes being feed words

Want to learn more about Wordy's word houses? Please visit

Artists at the Parade of Programs

Artist at the Parade of Programs

Staff and citizens in a conversation

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Bag-it movie screening event promotion at the Parade of Programs

FASD baby and display at the Parade of Programs

Promoting the FASD gathering on September 9 at the library

Friends of the Library member Johanna de Vries reading together

Mother with a baby browsing information about early literacy

Artists at the Parade of Programs

People inquiring about our the library programs

Reading the puppet shows story

Essential Skills draw